2010년 11월 27일 토요일

Jewish Eating Custom

 Kosher food is permitted to eat by the Jews of the religious law. Universally, In the Jewish eating customs are banned to eat the pork, raminating animal and having cloven hooves animals. The law forbids to eat oysters, seafood and also other meat with milk together. Kashrut certificate of approved by rabbi is displayed in the places of selling the Kosher food. Most hotels and restaurants sell the Kosher food, but it is not compulsory by law.

2010년 11월 9일 화요일

Terms of Service in the I.D.F.

     I.D.F means Isael Defense Forces. All able-bodied men and women above the age of eighteen are drafted. Men serve for three years. Women serve for twenty-one months. Excellent students at institutions of higher education may have a chane as temporary draft exemption. New immigrants were exempted or serve for shoter period according to their age and personal status on entering Israel. After every soldiers finished the mandatory military service, they keep as the reserves. A man of the reserve serves 39days for a year until the age of 51 years.